Picking the Right Flea & Tick Treatment for Your Dog

Dealing with fleas and ticks in your home can be burdensome both for you and your pet. While you hate the added expenses and worries that come with eliminating these critters, your pet will suffer all kinds of discomforts, such as pain and itch, and potentially serious health conditions. That is why it's necessary to stop the problem before it happens.
Using the right prevention treatment will help make your home and your dog flea and tick-free, but how do you know which one or ones to use? To know the answer, you first have to learn about the options available in the market today.
Yes, traditional flea and tick shampoos are still effective at eliminating adult fleas and ticks on contact, protecting your dog for five days to two weeks, depending on the brand you use.
Oral treatments come in tablets and are used to provide quick flea relief. These products start working within thirty minutes of application and may keep working for the next twenty-four hours. However, they are not reliable as long-term treatment. Watch https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tn1LXw5nMVE to understand more about pet care.
An ordinary flea collar can provide protection by dispersing a certain chemical all over your dog's body, but it's usually irritating and has a strong odor. The good news is there are many new and improved flea collars today that are odor-free, water-resistant and slow-releasing. These products can remain effective for up to eight months, making them a very practical choice.
Flea and tick dips are mixed with water, applied like a bath and air-dried before being washed off. This treatment normally protects your dog for a maximum of thirty-five days. This product obviously has chemicals in it, so make sure your dog's eyes and mouth are protected during treatment. Get the pet-lock best flea and tick prevention for dogs here!
Topical treatments, which are usually in the form of oil, are applied directly to your dog's skin where it will be absorbed by his body. If your pet rarely goes outside, you can get a product that only kills fleas. If he does play outside on a regular basis, go for a flea and tick medicine. Being oil, topical treatments are waterproof and do not wash off with water, unless you apply soap.
Remember that to make your dog's flea and tick treatment successful, it is important that your home itself is also protected. You can use powders and sprays to spot-treat all parts of your home frequented by your dog, or if you want your entire home to be treated, you will likely need a professional pest control company to ensure satisfying results.
In any case, always talk to your veterinarian first before beginning any flea or tick treatment. Finally, make sure you use any product according to instructions, click to get started!